How big is your beauty footprint? In fact, do you even take time to think of ways of recycling your old products?If not, then here are a few ways to improve the way your beauty products impact the world.
When it comes to your toiletries most of what we use is made up of plastic and gets replaced constantly by more and more plastic. The two main culprits being toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes, which both take up to 1000 years to decompose. We tend to replace these on regular basis; therefore they are constantly adding to your beauty footprint. One way to counteract this is by switching from a regular plastic toothbrush to a bambooone, which is around the same price as the average plastic one, so why not make the switch. Another item that can help you make the switch is the Colgate smile for good toothpaste, which is made from the same plastic as milk containers making it a recyclable tube, and is only £2.50. Some other items you can add to your toiletries, are mouth wash and toothpaste tablets, these are contained in jars rather than plastic tubes. These few items help to bring your beauty footprint down a lot and are around the same price as the plastic options, so why not make the change products.

Now, how to make the switch with your makeup remover, ditch the wet wipes and trade them in for reusable cotton pads. Not only is this better for the environment, but it is also more cost effective as you simply wash them, rather than constantly spending money on new packets. Another thing that you need to switch, is plastic earbuds to bamboo and cotton ones. Just by simply changing the material, you are majorly cutting down your footprint and at £1.85 for the sustainable option how can you refuse? When it comes to recycling your makeup, it can be a struggle trying to find a way to dispose of each item correctly, but thanks to companies like Maybelline, it’s never been easier, all you have to do is save all your finished makeup containers and take them to a Maybelline recycling station. If you visit their website it will inform you of your nearest one, so it’s never been easier to make a change with your beauty products, so what’s stopping you?

So, until next Monday, whether you’re finally recycling your empty makeup products, or changing up your toiletries for the better, make sure to stay positive and do something positive.